A few days ago

whats the point of the no hats in class rule?

Whats wrong with wearing a hat in class?

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago
steve v

Favorite Answer

Dates back to Europe in medieval times. Basically, hats were worn by traveling gentlemen to protect their heads when waste water was either thrown out of high windows or funneled out by spouts. The waste water could have anything in it, and would smell. People were asked to check their hats before entering a building they were invited in to and it was just common sense.

Granted, this practice doesn’t continue now, but it is considered rude to wear hats indoors, and the students have enough distractions as it is. They really don’t need to argue how the team on the hat sucks right before a test.


A few days ago
Basic etiquette. Hats are removed indoors.

In the old days they had etiquette schools and classes. There are still a few around.


A few days ago
believe it or not, it is disrespectful to wear a hat in a public building, even military officials can not wear any “Covers” in public buildings, unless if in “ceremony or in the line of duty.” “All covers “Must” be worn outside at all times, unless if instructed otherwise,” yes kids you can pretty much blame this on a military rule

A few days ago
it is disrespectful just like wearing hats will u eat, pray or while u say the pledge of alligence

A few days ago
Err…it’s regarded as RUDE in just about every corner of the world. Manners are an essential part of civilisation…

A few days ago
disrespectful, hard for others to see over/around, makes roaming eyes easy for cheating!

A few days ago
disrespectful, hard to see if student’s cheating on a test, distracting…

A few days ago
distracting, hard to see, can sleep/ daydream easier, can use it for cheating..

A few days ago
this is part of the school’s purpose to control your life and attitudes. There is really no reason for it. wea