A few days ago

What is history?

Tell me, what is history? What are your opinions on it?

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago

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“History is the witness that testifies to the passing of time; it illuminates reality, vitalizes memory, provides guidance in daily life, and brings us tidings of antiquity.” Cicero



A few days ago
A simple definition of history is the events of the past and how humans have reacted to those events. You can look in textbooks find out the ‘who’s, ‘what’s, ‘when’s, ‘why’s, and ‘where’s of battles, trades, and interactions between people from hundreds, even thousands, of years ago. It includes the culture, religions, languages, lifestyles, problems, and glories of individuals whose tombstones have long since crumbled with age. You must remember, however, that as broad and widespread as history appears, true history has only one subject matter. As Leo Tolstoy wrote in his well-known novel War and Peace, “the subject of history is the life of peoples and of humanity.” The majority of history, whether written or spoken, focuses on humans. People don’t record random details about volcano eruptions, unless they hope to use that information to prevent or predict future eruptions. Whether learning about the culture of our ancestors, the wars fought on our lands, or the inventions of our forefathers, information has been deemed worthy enough to survive and be passed on for others to learn from. This information, though probably biased and incomplete, essentially is history. Understanding history allows you to help prevent it from repeating itself, or, as more often is the case, to prevent PEOPLE from repeating history.

We can learn not only about mistakes that happened in the past, but also how people came to make those mistakes, and then avoid making them again in the future. Journalist Norman Cousins describes the function of history perfectly, as being a “vast early warning system”. We just need to be able to read the signs of our warning system correctly, which is the task that modern (and ancient) historians set out to do. They research and interpret documents and evidence trying to piece together the puzzle of our past so that everyone can understand it.


A few days ago
wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn defines history as the continuum of events occurring in succession leading from the past to the present and even into the future. Now that you have read this post, it is history!

A few days ago
Nina D
History is simply one’s view, passed down by written works or oral storytelling, of how events transpired in our past as detailed by the author; regardless of what actually occurred.

A few days ago
We can’t tell what will happen in the future so we look in the past for answers.

A few days ago
your question is history now

A few days ago
ya know
the past…and all the special events that make this world the way it is today

A few days ago
the past, it tells us about our mistakes and we should not do them again, and our expllorations of the world. simple.

A few days ago
Lol your question.