A few days ago

What is difficulty in foreign language learning?

I want to know what kind of difficulty students face in learning English as a foreign language,i.e. usually what are the mistakes they do while using the language.

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

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Well, a lot of other languages are phonetic (you pronounce them the way you spell them) so the spelling in English is pretty difficult. Also, the “th” sound is not in every other language, so you have to learn to make that sound. Then think about explaining the pronunciation of words “ladder”, “latter”, “lather”, to a non-native English speaker.

A few days ago
In addition to the difficulties named by tardis…the subtleties of pronunciation because English is not always prounced phonetically… I have found that where, (on which syllable), to place an accent when speaking is challenging. There are rules, but there are many exceptions. Take the words “environment” and “environmental”–they are pronounced so differently. Another example…”economics” and “economist”

A few days ago
Sal SR
I have always noticed the difficulties in learning English for my country men in Malaysia. For those kids who go to an English medium school, pronounciation is not so bad to master. For the Chinese educated, they hv difficulties in rolling their tongue. R is always pronounced as L and sometimes the sentences can sound really hillarious. Another problem is the difficulty of using he and she and the tenses.

We study Queen English and we use different words to describe certain things. Postmen instead of mailmen, boot for trunk, rubbish or garbage for trash etc, trolley for cart etc.

Once i wanted to compliment a guy on his attire. I said, “wow, today you look so smart!!” . He said “what, what did you say?” The lady next to me quickly explained that i meant today he dressed smart. I hv used the words “simple minded people” didnt realized that it meant stupid. I hv my share of embarrassing moments cos of the usage of the Queen language in America.

My husband and I occasionally have misunderstanding because of this reason. It will take time to overcome this.


A few days ago
same difficulty English speakers face when learning a new language.

A few days ago
The one next to the blond
Another set of difficulties is presented by words whose pronunciation AND meaning depend on context. Examples:

The guide will LEAD the group through the museum.

LEAD paint on childrens’ toys PRESENTS a health hazard.

Alice received several PRESENTS on her birthday.


A few days ago
Overgeneralization. Many learners apply grammatical structures from their language to English.