A few days ago

What do you say to a student who told you this..?

Last year was my first year of teaching at a private school.

Every teacher has their favorites, & mine was Meredith (not her real name). Meredith is a very bright student/adolescent. She always went out of her way with kindness, making sure I got a hug before she left for the day. She always had a happy disposition throughout the year, & never had shown any signs of depression or problems. She was always willing to help & was positive about it too. Around the end of the school year I noticed she came to school every morning & her eyes were watering & you could tell she had been crying. I never thought to ask her about anything, thought maybe it was just a bad day or end of school blues. 2 weeks later she came to me & asked if we could talk. She cried & told me she was mistreated @ home. She said she witnessed horrible things between her parents fighting & violence when she was younger. Said she gets yelled & cussed out alot, & she’s sick of it. What should I do for her? Could I adopt?

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago
john c

Favorite Answer

About adoption, I think you should forget about that. You can`t adopt a student be cause she has a miserable situation in her home, and that without really knowing what is going on in her home. The best you could do would probably be to go and talk with her parents and find out what is actually happening in her home. If it turns out to be really bad and there are no ways to solve the girls problems with her parents, you can help her to get legal assistance by professionals. In the meantime you could invite the girl every day to your house, to do her homework there and be a good friend of her. This is the best way you can support her.

A few days ago
The issue here is very hard I know. Some states require you as a school teacher to report any and all suspected abuse, not doing so can be detremental to you and the child you care so much for. If you really think they parents will allow you to adopt then you must sit down with your Husband and children and discuss this as a family.

You must be willing to accept any and all faults and problems this child has with regaurd to the possibility of it stressing your marraige and relationship between your other children.

You must realize that if you put your other children aside to help this child, they themselves might become depressed or feeling neglected.

Adoption is a huge issue , it is one I am pondering myself. We have to thoroughly evaluate the situation and step back and think of what is truly BEST for the child and not just what we want. You cannot just leave your other family to take on this new adventure, it must be accepted by all, and I do not mean you must have your childrens approval. Everyone must understand the requirements and be willing to give it a try. It is a much bigger thing than you are thinking right now. Now you are thinking with your heart as any mother would, you want to remove the child from the situation immediately and I commend you for that. Just think it through and give it some serious prayer and thought!

God bless you and this wonderful child!!


A few days ago
You (by law) have to report this. I know its not what you want to do, but when you chose to be a teacher you chose to be a “mandate reporter”…meaning you legally have to record any suspected abuse and report any confessed abuse (which is the case here). After you report it you can try to keep tabs on the case. If the choice of adoption comes up you can volunteer. But quite honestly she will probably stay in the home or the state will send her to live with another family member. The state, sometimes even in sickening situations, will try to keep the family together.

Good luck and bless you. You are obvious a real teacher, someone who cares.


A few days ago
Coach K
Go to the police and/or social workers. This is clearly not an issue that is to be taken lightly. As for adoption, unless the chile is taken out of the home by a Judge, the parents will need to concent with the adoption. (That is the law in my state and it may differ in yours.)

Good Luck and God Bless

—Coach K—


A few days ago
The answer to your last question is Do you want to adopt? Yes, I know that you shouldn’t answer a question with another question, but that is the answer. Would you be willing to take her in? Also, would you want to be the one who is to watch her at night while she struggles during dreams?

If the answers to all these questions are yes, then yes, do adopt. But also discuss this with the parents. If you need more help, just contact me via e-mail.

Hope that this helps a lot!


A few days ago
You need to explain this situation to your school counselor and have him/her talk to her. If necessary Social Workers should be involved… Stay as far away from this situation personally as you can. I realize your desire to want to pick up this child and take her home so that she is never emotionally hurt again but it is much more complicated than that. Let the proper officials take charge.

A few days ago
Most states are pretty strict about child abuse. Please check with your administration about the prevailing laws and then abide by them. You seem to be compassionate and caring and loving, but you don’t want to leave yourself liable to all sorts of trouble by intending to do the ‘right’ thing but inadvertantly doing the wrong thing.

A few days ago
Your a mandated reporter..call DSS for advice!

Talk to your boss as well….she might know someone who the child can go to ..a guidance counselor..etc.


A few days ago
Miss Answers 2007
No, you can’t adopt her.

You SHOULD set up an interview with the school counselor and have her talk to them. Meredith needs to talk to someone who can help her, and it’s not you.


A few days ago
you need to let her know that you’re there for her and then let her know that you’re going to have to contact the police. It’s what is best for her. she can then be removed from the situation she is in.