A few days ago

What do you go to school for if you want to teach Psychology?

If I wanted to teach Psychology what would I go to college for? But I want to taech like an AP (advanced placement) or some sort of college level psychology but to high school students

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

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The requirements to teach vary greatly by state, so the best thing to do is research some information on your state’s teacher certification website – should not be hard to find since these are state agencys. However, I will tell you this, most states do not offer certification in just psychology and most high schools probably do not hire teachers to just teach psychology. I may be wrong about this, and there could be some really large high schools that do, but there are probably very few of those jobs available at any given time and may be given to teachers who have a lot of experience at that school. You would probably have to major in social studies education and get certification in that area as well. Then be prepared to teach a couple of sections of history in addition to some psychology classes. A bachelors in education is a simple four year degree like any other bachelors, although some states may require a masters to be a teacher (again, check with your state’s agency on that).

Now if you are talking about teaching psychology in college, that’s a whole different can of worms. You would have to have at least a masters degree with a minimum of 18 hours in psychology. This would get you qualified for a junior college job at the least. Larger universities may require more, like a doctorate. I’m pretty sure you don’t need teacher certification to teach at the college level, but you should get some experience teaching, and an ideal way to do that is by becoming a graduate assistant. Yes, you should major in psychology for a bachelors then look for a masters program that can also offer you a graduate assistant job.

As far as classes in college, it will just depend on whether you decide to teach high school or college. If high school, you will take social science classes including psychology classes, and you would take education classes. If college, just take psychology classes and a variety of them. Psychology is a pretty big area of study with lots of facets – abnormal psychology, cognitive psychology, experimental psychology, organizational psychology, social psychology, physiological psychology, psychological statistics, clinical psychology – shall I go on??? These are just some of the classes I took.


A few days ago
Maddy Jinx
You would have to get a BS in Psychology, then get a Master’s Degree to teach at a high school level (in most states). If you want to teach AP stuff, well that is entirely up to the department head of the school you will eventually get a job at, why not go for teaching Psych at the college level and get your PhD? Or why not become an Assistant Professor?

A few days ago
Ree Ree
Most schools are doing away with psycholgy courses due to all of the standardized test and lack of electives. You may want to teach college courses where psychology courses are required. Also if you decide to teach pschology remember if its not a required course you can easily be excessed from that school. You can get a B.S in psychology a get a master’s in school counseling and become a guidance counselor. Now for college level teaching you can get a Master’s or higher in Psychology, Mental Health, Family and Marriage, Rehabilitation, or Substance Abuse counseling.

5 years ago
There is MUCH extra to Psychology than what you decribed, sure it’s principal to psychology;nonetheless, additionally it is very debated. What you’re suggesting is to brainwash kids to ensure that them to reply the way in which you could like them to. I am an academic psychology graduate pupil and i’ve taken three womens reports categories (i flinch as i form that). Being blamed daily for being a white male used to be greater than i will be able to manage. However, it made me discover how disfunctional feminism relatively is. Your possess schedule for kids has no position in colleges. We aren’t educating kids to consider the way in which everybody else does, some thing happend to independence? You understand, that feminism notion, or does is simplest are compatible whilst it really works for you?

A few days ago
Im sure it it depends on the school but you could go to school for Secondary Education with a concentration in Psychology. Your best bet would be to find colleges you’re interested in and then contact them to find out how to go about it.

A few days ago
you go to school to get the qualification to teach, such as a B.Ed. for high school. For college, you need to major in that area at post graduate level in order to teach college students.