A few days ago
Jenna C

what can i expect from my teaching interview?

i have an upcoming interview to teach high school english in florida. i live in PA. i have no teaching experience and i’m only ‘highly qualified’ to teach. i really want this job. what kinds of questions should i expect and what would make me more of an assest than someone who already lives in florida?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Molly McTrouble

Favorite Answer

I don’t think it matters that you don’t live in Florida.

Find out all you can about the demographics and test scores of the students. Have a teacher handbook mailed or faxed to you if possible. Ask if someone, like the department chair, or a VP would be willing to talk to you in advance, about the school.

At the interview, be able to explain how you would teach to certain groups of students.

Also, in my experience, I have never been asked about my content knowledge or my teaching philosophy. The interviewers were only interested in how I mainted discipline in the classroom, so have a plan in mind that involves escalating consequences and phone calls home, before you send a student to the office.


A few days ago
Good luck at the interview, just don’t use the word “assest.”