A few days ago

Teachers who’ve done the Flat Stanley project ?

Am doing the Flat Stanley project in my class, and the returned Stanleys will be displayed on a bulletin board and used to cover parts of the geography curriculum.

The kids are writing letters explaining the project.

Should each kid send it to one person(friend/relative) or should I allow them to send to more than one?

Our room’s bulletin board is kind of small and can only accomodate so many returned Stanleys. But, some kids have more than one person they’d like to send it to. Parents are providing the postage, so that is not a problem.

Should the kids send it to just one person or more if they want to? Is it better to have more returned Stanleys to learn from or is there any reason to limit each kid to one? Would the kids who can come up with only 1 person feel bad?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I’m not a teacher, yet, but perhaps some advice from an old para will do? We used to do this project and limited the number to two per child. This way, those that only had one person to send their Stanley to didn’t end up feeling left out of the experience. By limiting it, we also didn’t end up with a dozen or more from one child (typically those whose parents traveled a great deal for business). I also felt that it kept the competition down among the kiddos. Nobody was allowed more than two, so no one child could boast of being “better” than the rest. (Lifesaver! This new policy ended the previous years lunchtime bickering.)

Have fun with your project. I really miss doing it!


4 years ago
no longer via college, no, yet i’ve got heard of the belief via the grapevine and it looks like a exciting one. i’m thinking doing like Des reported and making one on our very own to deliver off to long-distance family individuals. feels like a exciting, innovative thank you to discover the country and stay related to out-of-state better half and youngsters. just to substantiate: the belief is which you’re making slightly paper guy, mail it to human beings, they take photos with it around that week, mail it back, after which you create a narrative/seem on the photos/in spite of, perfect? I dunno, seems kinda exciting and that i guess g-ma and g-pa, etc, may well be into it.