A few days ago

Music Teacher Grrrrrrrrrrrr?

yea so how can i make my music teacher pay coz she is an old cranky bat who is very strict gives you punishment excercises for the stupidest things and well she is just moany so yea how can I make her pay?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Quit being a baby. Just grow up and learn the lessons she’s trying to teach. If she wasn’t strict, you’d all be goofin’ off and not learning anything. What would be the point of that?! If you don’t want to do the punishment exercises, then do what you’re supposed to do and nothing else.

A few days ago
Try doing your best under adverse conditions. Your music teacher may not ‘pay’, but you’ll be rewarded with a can-do attitude that will pay off for you in the long run.

Wait till you get a job! Then you’ll find out that your bosses are usually clones of your music teacher. Learn to deal with it now.


A few days ago
gnanasekaran d
o.k, you can not do anything.