A few days ago
Upon this rock

Movies in class?

Does anyone have some supporting facts on why tests over movies shown in class are ridiculous? (We recently watched a movie–“St Peter and Paul”—and everyone got a bad grade in it…really bad… and the movie was complicated) So Supporting facts? *ps: everyone admitted they payed attention to the movie; but everyone got a bad grade—it was confusing..ever seen St. Peter and Paul!?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Molly McTrouble

Favorite Answer

The problem with being tested on a movie is that you have no way to know in advance what you are supposed to be learning. Everything goes by at the same speed, and in the same style of presentation. Which information is the most important?

In a lecture, the instructor will hopefully make it clear which infomation is likely to be on a test. You can ask questions on anything that is unclear, and if you didn’t catch something, it can be repeated.

Movies are not a good way to present information. It is an excellent means of providing visuals. You can learn about an unfamiliar topic much better if you can see it, rather than just read or hear about it.


A few days ago
Did you read the book too?