A few days ago

If your a teacher, what in the world makes you feel like your actually worthy upstairs to teach others?

Are you a good teacher?

Or do you suck compared to your peers, come on be honest-most teachers don’t really know what the heck they are doing up there. They’re just spitting when they try to talk loud and screech that silly chalk of theirs across the board

Most people can honestly say that there were only a small handful of exceptional instructors in their lifetime

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I am a teacher in England. My view of being a teacher is not that I am the ‘font of all knowledge’ who knows everything about everything. Many of my students know more than I do about many things. In fact, every child I teach knows something that I don’t know because we are all individuals leading different lives. I learn as much from them as they do from me.

Good teaching is about helping learners to take responsibility for their own learning. To foster a love for learning and know how to push yourself forward, what to do when you don’t know the answer.

All teachers are not exceptional, but every teacher I know works really hard and genuinely cares about the welfare of the children he or she teaches.

P.S. I don’t spit and we don’t use chalk anymore!


A few days ago
It is impossible to teach in a style that every. single. student. admires. Most teachers will try to mix up pedagogy so that it can reach the most students.

Everyone learns in different ways, and what you may find helpful is less so to others. Your complaints do sound silly.

and where exactly do you live that they still use chalk?


A few days ago
It is true. There are some people who have an affinity with young people and relate to them in a way that is both disciplined and friendly. These people have the ability to present information in such a way that engages the students and makes them want to learn. These people are rare indeed. For most of us “ordinary ” teachers, our reasons for becoming teacher will be varied. Most of us started with our ideals of wanting to share knowledge and empower young people to be able to make choices in their lives. These ideals tend to be worn down with time as we age and the attitude by both young people and their parents has changed in society today. There is little respect for the teaching profession and other authority figures in society. Students ask why they have to learn instead of how can I learn this.

Parents, teachers and students are supposed to be on the same side, the one that helps young people achieve their goals and fuifill their place in society. Students must take their responsibility for the learning process. One has to want to learn and dealing with defiance, insolence and lack of respect is not pleaseant for anyone. Is it little wonder that young people are not attracted to the teaching profession. What about you? Are you up for the challenge?


A few days ago
English teacher
The teachers with whom I associate are not only extremely intelligent and talented in each of their chosen subjects, they are the most caring and gracious people around.

I started working in business and could not stand the dishonesty from the people who cheated that business. I saw fraud, lying, theft, and deception.

I see none of that in my colleagues in education.

What I see in some students, on the other hand, is selfishness, a false sense of entitlement, laziness, and cluelessness concerning the value of the person trying to teach them.

Where do you fit in the spectrum of dolts and snobs?


A few days ago
I do my best. It sounds like I wouldn’t be able to reach you, though. I can’t reach those who hung up on my spitting and chalk-screeching.

A few days ago
If I am able to pass on knoledge and sills to my students and to have them ready for the next level.

A few days ago
To teach the difference from “your” and “you’re”.