A few days ago

I’m a teacher. What type of tape should I use to make lines for straight rows in a CARPETED classroom?

Last few years, I have taught in a classroom with solid floors, and was able to make lines for rows of straight desks using just duct tape and/or blue tape. Now I am transitioning to a carpeted classroom and don’t know what tape would be sticky enough, yet not tear up the carpet or leave too much residue. THANKS for your answers in advance!

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Better than tape!!!! Keep your soup cans (clean them of course)! Line your desks up the way you like them. I will try to describe this as best I can…

Say you have 4 desks in a straight, side-by-side row (desks A, B , C, & D). Put desk legs A & B (that meet) in ONE can to share. Do the same with the other leg B & leg C, and so on. You desks will be chained together.

This makes it nearly impossible for the students to move their desks out of rows/position and avoids the situation of having them be on top of you by the end of the day. This was the best bit of advice from a veteran teacher that I was ever given. I used this on tile floors and carpeted floors. I never spent needless time at the end of every school day pushing desks back into place. – – – try it!

If you are set in using tape…

Stay away from masking tape. It will eventually fuse to the carpet and look like crap. Try gaff tape…it comes in many different colors. That is what I used on my carpet. It unfortunately did get vacuumed up every now and then.


A few days ago
I remember one teacher used a red tape to put lines down for desks and a brown tape to hold some cords and wires on the floor. They were on carpeted floors and looked like a plain duct tape to me, I don’t think the colors meant anything. If it’s a flat carpet then I don’t think you’ll have a problem with residue or tearing it up. Test it out first though just to make sure!

A few days ago
Kinder/1st grade teacher
I usually just use some masking tape, and re-do it as needed. Stores like Lakeshore, and even office supply stores have various colors of masking tape available. I teach little ones, and they sit in the squares on the carpet for story time and carpet time, so they end up pulling the tape up at first, but they eventually leave it alone! Good luck to you.

A few days ago
Masking tape or electrical tape. Either way, I’m sure it will need to be redone at some point during the year, but either should work.