A few days ago

Do you think a teacher would notice…?

This is just a question. Would a teacher ask the student or students if they suspected an eating disorder? Or if the student did not seem right? I’m just curious on what people have to say.

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I doubt if the teacher would ask other students about one student. However, a teacher may have a good relationship with the student to open lines of communication even though people with eating disorders seem to be in denial many times. Most teachers care about the whole student and may have a parent conference if they are truly concerned. It just depends on the school culture I suppose.

A few days ago
They would only initiate a conversation with the student they suspected of having the problem, and even in that case I don’t think they are at liberty to approach a student like that if it isn’t coursework related. If they hear of anything (bulimic or anorexic behavior, abuse to any student, etc) they usually report it to the school councilor, or if it is regarding immediate danger, to the police. If a Teacher or Professor does get involved in the affairs of a student for one of these reasons, the parents of the child are notified as well.

A few days ago
I would, but I don’t think I’d come right out and use the terms “eating disorder.” I think it’s really important to form trusting relationships with students, so I wouldn’t ask a student about it unless I knew we had a solid teacher/student relationship. I DEFINITELY would express my concerns to the guidance counselor if I felt it necessary.

A few days ago
If a teacher suspects that something is wrong with a student, the proper procedure would be to contact a school Counselor.

The Counselor may then contact the student’s parents about the issue and see if they wanted the student to see them for counseling.


A few days ago
I had to last year. I had a student I suspected of it and we talked and she ended up seeing the counselor and we had to contact her mother and it turns out she did.

A few days ago
Amanda M
I would! It depends on the student/teacher relationship, though.

A few days ago
The only way they would find out is if a student told them or if they saw them at lunch. Otherwise they really could be like a kid with a really high matabelism (lol i can’t spell that)

A few days ago
Yes, I’ve seen some teachers do that.

A few days ago
noo i dont think they would ask that…

ive never heard of anything like that happening!


A few days ago
talk to a counselor and have her investigate