A few days ago

A minor in history?

If I major in English, would History be a good minor? I may end up teaching, so I was thinking that the minor might allow me to get two teaching certs. But I’m also wondering if it would help in other potential careers. Any thoughts on that major/minor combination?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

You will get a better education if you minor in something that really interests you. It may not match your degree exactly, and it may not fit a future job description, but you will like it better, do better in it, think it is important, and integrate it into your future life.

My Major was Engineering; my Minor was Psychology. This puzzled both departments, but it worked for me, both then and for the thirty years since then.


A few days ago
Amanda M
Yeah, if you want to teach English and Social studies. I teach only English and I majored in Literature and minored in Writing.