what are some good questions i can ask on my resurch paper about foster care?
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what motivates people to becoming a foster parent?
how effective is foster care for the children?
Anyway, here are some good questions to ask:
How many of the kids in foster homes go on to be adopted by their foster families?
There are a lot of horror stories in the media about abusive foster families. What statisics are available to show how frequent abuse does occur in foster homes?
Foster kids have always faced negative stigma from the public, being seen by some as unwanted children who have done something to deserve being taken from their homes. Has this changed very much over the years? What are some ways we can try to change this stigma?
How difficult or easy is it for a child who is in a bad situation at home to become a ward of the state?
You can also reseach common misconceptions. a very good source is “The Lost Boy” by Dave Pelzer.
be sure to use spell check on your paper–and have someone edit your grammar.
how does the person that is going to be taking care of them get chosen. ( foster parents ) Most kids are put into foster care for many reasons. Unfit parents. Unfit home. Abuse. Behavior disorders. ETC. I have an aunt who is a foster mom. If you have any questions just send me a message. k. bye
Good luck.
if they need sertant things to adopt
if they need to be married
how long do they keep the children for.
do they just kick them out when they reach a sertant age
do they get to raise them as catolic or what
Stuff like that!!!
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