A few days ago

Dropping out at 16?

why is it okay for teenagers to drop out of school when they are sixteen ?

Why should children go to school at all if we give them the option of dropping out at a certain age?

Why isn’t it mandatory to finish school and get a diploma?

Would you let your child drop out of school ? I have two daughters and hope they would never want to.

I am a high school drop out and regret it every day. I am trying to get my high school diploma now so I can go to college.

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I don’t think it is OK whatsoever. In some countries, education is something on the wishlists of many children. Here in North America we often take education for granted. We should be thankful for it!

Besides, when you go to apply for a job, it’s best to have a college or university degree. If you can’t even say that you completed high school, then you don’t have much of a chance against someone else who does have their diploma.

I, personally, would not let my child drop out of school. They are still young, and do not understand much about the future – even though they think that they do. I take schooling & education seriously and I hope that my children will too.

I think that parents can help their children by finding out the reason for their wish to drop out. Perhaps they are facing problems at school or in the personal lives, such as bullying or pregnancy. Parents should try to help their children overcome this as best as they can. A tutoring program for struggling students is a great way to get them motivated. Arranging appointments with a counsellor to help overcome personal problems may help as well. If the child is unwilling to go alone, the accompaniment of a parent may help until the child is more comfortable by his/herself.

Most children who drop out deeply regret it. Most students do not think of the effects that this huge decision will make on their lives. Some of them are eager to get right to work; others are more interested in settling down and marrying/becoming pregnant, and schooling might be an obstacle for them. But what many of them don’t understand is that this can wait. They have a lifetime ahead of them – a lifetime that can be improved with the right schooling and knowledge.




A few days ago
1. it is NOT okay for teenagers to drop out. who ever said it was okay? kids do it. one thing teenagers need to understand is that things will always be hard, but it’s even harder trying to go back and finish.

2.everyone makes their own choices. some people make bad ones, others take the right path. we can’t control students. a student won’t go to school if they don’t want to and that’s it. also sometimes you never know what the situation may be at home that students need to drop out and get a job. its tough now.

3. well it’s not mandatory because, you can’t make sure everyone does the right thing. you can only hope they do. how would you like it if someone told you it was mandatory to pay for college if u ain’t got the money? it’s a struggle.

4. firstly i want to point out that i am 17 years old myself currently in high school finishing off my second year. and when i have children, they will know how important an education is. and i will not let them drop out. i think that some parents may have given up on their children for personal reasons and let them do what they want. obviously they weren’t ready to be parents and love hard.

i am graduating this year and i am so excited! i will be going to college. and my best friends are dropouts themselves.

they never stood in my way~!


A few days ago
Unlike some countries, the United States offers free will. I do not agree with the option of dropping out of school at 16, nor do most government officials. Pay close attention to some of the laws in different states now. They are trying to base laws for teenagers with the encouragement of finishing school. For example, several states will not allow anyone under the age of 18 to get a drivers license if they have dropped out of school. If they have a license and then drop out, it is suspended the day they are officially listed as dropped out. There are also some laws that will not allow someone under 18 to obtain a work permit unless they are in school. It’s not a full solution, but it is an attempt that I am actually happy to see.

A few days ago
It is not an option and parents are starting to be punished for not having their children finish school but by the time you’re sixteen, not many people care about your future if you don’t. Don’t put it off another day. Just do it! There are also programs in technical colleges where you can get your Associates degree while taking high school classes all at the same college. Look into, it’s a good program and if you’re still underage, you can probably get financial aid to cover costs. Again, I cannot stress how important this will be in your future and the future of your family (should you have one). Good luck.

A few days ago
I too am a drop. and I do not regret it at all I am in a very good situation right now. (I did get my G.E.D. in 2006) ant it still has not helped me in any way. I’ve been in work enviromrnts as the lead or boss of the department, and had college grads. working under me, it is not the education that makes the person even though it does help, but the drive in that person. I am where i am today because of hard work and sheer determination to succeed, and my peers do not frown on me not being a non-grad. A diploma to most employers/people does not matter these days.

5 years ago
I always blame the creative team for giving us stale product. Like for example, the Nexus angle was alright I guess to start out but now it’s stale and needs to end. The anonymous gm and Raw guest hosts should have ended a long time ago. There are never epic matches it seems like other than Wrestlemania. If WWE were to compile a list of memorable matches there would not be 1 match for at least the past couple of years that was memorable other than Wrestlemania. The last match that I can recall that was memorable at a Paper View other than Wrestlemania was Batista vs. Cena at Summerslam 2008. Even Orton vs. Cena was an overrated match at summerslam 2009. Creative writers need to try harder and that means when Summerslam rolls around I expect to see a match that is better Nexus vs. Cena, Edge, Jericho, Mark Henry and whoever else was part of that team.

A few days ago
elijah g
To your first question, some of the time they can’t handle pressure and they need to get away from what ever is causing it, including school.

To your second one, it gives the child to experience what school is all about and if they like it or not. Now don’t get me wrong, some kids are to smart and fell like school is a waste of time, that is why there is a kids genius school in Maryland and is a high prep school.

To your third one, some people look at it as not that big of a deal and the reason for that is because either they went through the same thing or they didn’t like school but still had to do it and they don’t want the child going through that.

To your your fourth one, i would and i wouldn’t. I would if i knew my child could take care of her/him self, but i wouldn’t if the couldn’t.


A few days ago
This policy harkens back to a time when children were often needed to work on family farms or in family businesses before they had actually finished school. To have forced them to stay in school would have imposed unnecessary hardship on the family. I believe strongly in the need for education, at least through high school, however, I am NOT in favor of making it mandatory that everyone stay in until they graduate. Some students just do not like school and forcing them to stay would only increase disruption for the other students who DO want to be there. My older daughter finished high school and is now in college. My younger daughter is a junior is high school and has aspirations to attend college. I admire your drive to complete your high school education and attend college. Good luck to you.

A few days ago
It’s not mandatory because of the wonderful freedom of choice. It’s your choice whether you want to accomplish something with your life or drop out. If more parents made their children apply themselves and set boundaries this wouldn’t be a problem.

Congrats on going back to get your diploma!!!


A few days ago
1st off you wouldn’t be getting your high school diploma your getting a GED. Not all school are like that my high school you have to be 18 a legal adult. If you have a problem with the age of dropping out contact your school’s board to see if they can raise the age.