A few days ago

What are last minutes tips to do well on the SATS?

??? Thanks. I take them this week, anything will help.

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Get plenty of rest. Study early enough and well enough to avoid the need for last minute cramming. Eat a light and nutritious breakfast. You dont want to be distracted during your test by gastro problems. Go light on the fats and animal protiens and eat fruits. Select your portion sizes so as to avoid hunger pangs yet also avoid feeling bloated or overfull.

Do plenty of practice problems with some sort of timer. Here is one website but there are many more with good timed practice questions. Finally, relax. Everything will be just fine.http://www.testprepreview.com/sat_practice.htm


A few days ago
Keep reviewing the more obscure vocabulary words. Keep in mind that it tests much that you have learned over years not days, so cramming only will help you just so much. Get plenty of rest, eat a good breakfast, and try to relax so your brain doesn’t panic – that way the answers should flow into your mind from the dark recesses of your memory! Good luck!

A few days ago
Vada Grace’s Mommy
know your math basics and the formulas you will need. review as much vocab as possible. remember to relax the night before. also remember you can take the test again so if you didnt study as much as you should you can know what you need to work on and try again