A few days ago

take home exam or open book/notes exam?

which do you prefer?

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Take home–they still imply that you will be able to use your notes and book in most cases. Also, they are not timed.

The only downside of the take home test is that the professor might give you so much to do on the test that it will take you hours. I remember spending 6-7 hours on some of my take home quizzes and tests. Also, one time I had to spend a day and a half trying to do a take home test and I still barely pulled of a B on it. The professor decided to give us a bunch of rediculously hard math problems on it (like the kind for which there weren’t any examples in the book to help us or in the solution guide to help us), so we didn’t do well.


A few days ago
Both are hard. The take home tests are often much harder because they require you do do more work than you would have to do if you took the test in class. While open book/note exams are tough because you can’t rely upon the glossary of the book, the teacher has thought that one through already.

A few days ago
take home is good cuz you can take longer and use the internet if you need it. But open book/notes makes you get it done cuz ur in school

A few days ago
open book/notes tests are harder because take home, you can use a bunch of resources

A few days ago
Ms B
Take home. They may require you to do more, but at home, you can use all of your resources and take your time when putting it together.

A few days ago
Barbara M
open booknotesexam.