A few days ago

Should I take PSAT again this year? How much do I need to study for SAT?(not really sure what scores mean…)?

So I’m a Junior in highschool now, and recently missed the signups for the PSATs. I’m wondering if I should take them somewhere else if it’s still important.

I took the PSAT sophomore year and recieved:

66 on Crit. Reading (PROJECTED SAT SCORE: 620-730)

-54 on Mathematics (PSS: 510-610)

-55 on Writing (PSS: 480-600)

What do these scores mean?

Help! Answers MUCH appreciated. Thanks πŸ™‚

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I dont know what your looking to major in or what kind of student you are, but your critical reading is a good score, if i were you id focus on the math and writing. all three scores are based out of 800 points, so all three together the max would be 2400, or some schools do it out of 1600 points which is the crit. reading and math combined. See if your school offers any SAT prep courses or you can always buy a book online or take some practice tests on www.collegeboard.com

A few days ago
visit http://www.eskimo.com/~miyaguch/psat.html to convert the numbers to a different measure

you are doing well

Math scores go up with test prep

basically better performance goes with complimentary funds along with clever nifty peers at a niftier University

at epnionions.com a reviewer wrote

Kaplan got me that scholarship

by gatkinson , May 18 ’00

Pros: Gets results

Cons: Very time intensive

I took the SAT and received a 1300 on it. I was content with the 1300 and applied to all my schools. After getting accepted to a few, I found out that if I had just gotten 50 points higher (a 1350) I would have received a scholarship worth $10,000 a year…


A few days ago
tell me all!!!
1st, yes take them again – you’ll get a even more recent (and thus more accurate) projected sat score so you’ll know what to expect or what score to study more for and aim for. then you’ll a) know what to expect on the real sat – not just score-wise, but also what it’s like to sit and take a test for hours, and b) also get a sense of what sort of colleges you can apply to – look up a few school’s average sat scores and see if you fit in that range.

2nd, talk to your counselor – most schools will have make up days – there’s a make up day in march. some schools actually only offer it in march. there should be a way to do late sign up – plus, the psat is administered by your school, so the date should be pretty flexible… unless you have a evil counselor or evil counseling office.

3rd, you may qualify for national merit, which is a scholarship program based on psat scores taken junior year. depending on your state, there are different scores taht move you to the next level of the competition – and in some cases, race is taken into account as well.

all in all, TAKE IT! and good luck πŸ˜€