A few days ago

Is it ok to fail on an AP course??

I am in my senior year I am taking an AP chemistry course and I ‘m getting bad grades . if I got an F on my first or second semester of my senior year will that cause problems. or it’s ok to fail , since I passed the regular required Chemsitry course with A+ Grade …..

can I enter a great college by failing on AP chemistry course in my senior year??

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

A failing grade always looks a bit bad on a transcript. Can you get a tutor to help? Is it possible to drop the course and not have it recorded? If it was my transcropt, I would try to find a way to drop the course “without prejudice”, so it would not be on my transcript. And yes, I think you can still get into college, even if you fail the AP course, but you may not have as much choice.

A few days ago
It is true that colleges not only look at the grade you got in a class, but also the difficulty of that class, however, it is still important for you go get at least a C, I would say, to go to a really good college. AP classes are typically just “college level,” so if you’re failing a college level course now, they are going to assume that you may struggle at their school as well. Obviously, it’s really bad to fail a core course, but usually the a college can be more lenient with grades in AP classes since they are much more challenging… but failing would probably not be considered acceptable. Do your best to get your grade in that class up to a C (B would be better) if you want the really top-notch colleges to take you seriously. Good luck! Don’t forget that your teachers are always there to help you, and there are also tutoring options.

A few days ago
get the F first semester, but why dont u go in after class and study with teacher, and friends, and focus more on that class then u would on English or something, u can most likly get a C+ if u really study hard and understand it….. plus wont ur teacher give u a A or a B if u get a 3 or higher on the AP exam.. my teacher did, i had a D in the class, but got 3 on AP exam, and got B – on class… oh and i got in to the college i wanted to go in, although it was not a university, but a state college, which i wanted to go for a specific major,

A few days ago
It is never good to have an F in any class, ever. Because that’s an F. And an F is bad. So no, it is not okay to fail any class, and colleges don’t like to see F’s. At all. Of all the grades, that one is their least favorite.

A few days ago
barb j
I would drop if before I failed it. Yes, colleges look to see if you’re taking a challenging load your senior year, but I would NOT chance a bad grade.

A few days ago
NO you will get denied instantly. I took AP courses senior year and got a C+ in my AP chem. I got denied from a top level school. They dont want to see anythign lower than a b, in anything.

A few days ago
You can still get into college but it doesn’t look good. If you can’t even pass the class, you won’t pass the AP test so should probably drop it if you can.

A few days ago
If you get a C or better you will be fine, but if you get a lower grade than that your admission can be withdrawn. It is not ok to fail the class though.

A few days ago
Its not okay to fail. Its unacceptable and can make you lose your chance to graduate.

stupid A**, you really think some “great college” will accept you if they see an F regardless of any class? Yeah give me the thumbs down because you cant handle the truth.


A few days ago
Gypsy Girl
A failure will never look ok on your transcript. If you can’t handle the course, check into switching to a regular level class.