A few days ago

Intelligence Quota ( I.Q ) A good measure of intelligence?

Your views please?

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Not necessarily.. I.Q. measures what is considered standard Knowledge, Speed of thought. But if you have limited formal education or are a little more thorough in formulating thoughts. Your I.Q. is going to be lower.. But that does not mean that the person next to you who scored a 130 Is smarter than you. It just means that they are able to recall facts faster than you.. and have been exposed to a greater variety of random information… But those represent minor differences. I.Q. is not an exact science.. More of a basic ball park idea to rate potential. And is more accurate if comparing it to someone of equal education levels….

A few days ago
They are very good at test specific types of intelligence, and it is NOT age-specific. However, there are other tests needed to judge other type of intelligence. In business you need a sharp mind and razor decision making, which an IQ test can tell you. Just as important, or more so, are your teaming and soft skills, personal interactions, empathy. IQ doesn’t test squat about that.

So the IQ is necessary but not sufficient to measure a person’s overall success potential.


A few days ago
Rey Gamberro Salvador
Actually, the use of I.Q. as a measure of intelligence has been largely discarded, yet it remains the most popular method!

In my personal view, I.Q. was developed in a time where so many psychological processes weren’t understood. My mom, who’s numerically dyslexic, did awful, because they just assumed she was dumb about numbers, wheras her brother David, who’s a great guy but not the brightest crayon in the box, did excellent. In a time where some of the most pervasive educational disabilities are not only little-understood but even arguably mis-defined, I wouldn’t trust the I.Q. test.


A few days ago
I.Q is your god given talent to learn.Mine is 146.It can or cannot be a good measure of intelligence,even though you may have a high IQ it all depends on how you use it or use it at all.In general terms it is a good measure of potential intelligence.

A few days ago
Yes and no.

It really depends on your definition of “intelligence”.

Most people define intelligence as the ability to remember facts and information. An IQ test measures exactly that.

In my opinion the ability to remember information has absolutely nothing to do with your mental abilities. An IQ test does not really measure your abilities of being able to understand concepts and apply them in the real world.

Sure, it is important to be able to remember a lot of information, but now with information so readily available (books, internet…), the ability to remember facts is not as useful as the ability to put the facts together to come to a conclusion.


A few days ago
It can be interesting to see IQ scores and tests, but they are all just tests and they are not the overall judge of how well anyone will do in life. Also there are different forms of intelligence. There are the “7 intelligences” as well as wisdom and knowledge. It depends what is being tested.

A few days ago
An IQ test is only a good measure of one kind of intellegence. There are 8 different types of intellegence that range from basically being very athletic to being very artistic. An IQ test can only tell you how intellegent you are compaired to other people your age about facts and figures.

A few days ago
An IQ tells you what your score is on a particular intelligence test, compared to your age-group …

Not all intelligence can be measured by an IQ test. In fact, primarily, an IQ test measures mathematical and spatial reasoning, logical ability


A few days ago
the complete tests provided for I.Q ratings cover all areas and have been the basis since the 1600’s…..good luck

A few days ago
I know one guy who consistently tested 20 points higher during hayfever season. Since I don’t really see any good reason why. So, I assume there’s a lot that we don’t understand about those tests. That leads me to conclude that you shouldn’t put much faith in them.