A few days ago

I have recently taken an IQ test with a score of 130. I’m 14. Is this an average score?

I have recently taken an IQ test with a score of 130. I’m 14. Is this an average score?

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago
Texas Mom

Favorite Answer

The “average” score on an IQ test is 100.

130 is a little high…

You must be intelligent! Just use your brain in school and you will go far!! 😉

Good for you!


A few days ago
Jon G
130 is above average, but you also have to realize that unless this was a full fledged IQ test, it could be skewed. Do not get me wrong, I’m not saying you don’t have an IQ of 130, in fact it could be higher! I took a real one and one online and the one online (that lasted about a half hour) was a full 15 points lower than my real one.

If you want to take a real IQ test, it’s always fun to know. It requires a much more intense questioning process however. It usually lasts *at least* a few hours, but the results are fun to analyze. 🙂

Also, in response to some posts above me, while IQ can change over your lifetime, you can’t really “study” to make it higher. Not in the real sense anyway. IQ is supposed to measure your intelligence potential, which should not change significantly. You can make it higher by practicing the tests and other methods, but there is a big debate about whether or not your IQ can really change or if this is a flaw in testing.


5 years ago
I’m guessing the test was an online test. In that case the results are not reliable. The reason I suspect these were online tests is because psychologists don’t administer multiple IQ tests to an individual in a course of 1 month. If a psychologist does retest, they generally will wait a year or two. Since these tests were online, the results mean nothing.

A few days ago
If I were you I would not sweat the IQ numbers. It is less about what you got and more about what you do with what you got. In other words, make up your mind to always strive to do the very best that you can. In my opinion, average but very hard working beats out extremely intelligent but undermotivated every time.

A few days ago
That’s a little above average, it’s around 124

A few days ago
Bragger. I scored 134. Sweet.

A few days ago
Average is 100 so you are a bit above average….

Please note though that you also have to be motivated and disciplined enough to succeed at your life goals. There are people with IQs similar to and higher than yours who are bag ladies or winos.


A few days ago
above average, especially for being only 14. Keep learning and you may get to genius status which is 140.

A few days ago
average is about 140. i wouldn’t worry about it too much. an IQ score doesnt show everything about u.

A few days ago
Yeah, that’s excellent. Mine was 124 and I’m 13.