A few days ago
abdul aziz

i cannot start studing its hard to open a book ?

can anyone tell me how to study ?

or give me techniques how to study ?

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

If you get bored/frustrated with it easily, the key is to break it up into small chunks. Set a timer and read for 5 minutes. Stand up, run around, get a drink, whatever, then go back and do it again. Also try to engage your senses. Read aloud if you like to listen or draw diagrams if you are a visual person. Writing notes while reading also helps break up the monotony and actually helps you learn better.

Most of all, relax and try to find the fun in what you’re studying. It’s there. Whatever you are reading about, try to relate it to your life or the things you are interested in. You’ll be surprised how easy that is to do.

Good luck!


A few days ago
It sounds like you have to interest yourself in the area you are studying first. This is called gaining background information. For example: If it is a novel, and use the internet to find out something about the author and why he wrote the book. Where does the author live? Where did he write about? What do you know about that place? Who are the characters he wrote about? What is interesting about them? For example, if one of the characters has an illness, find out about that illness before you read the book. While you read, take noes on post-its or stickies. Put the points for Chapter One on one stickie, then another post-it for chapter 2. etc. When it is time for a test, you can reveiw your stickie notes. Stick them on your bathroom mirror to study while you get ready for school. Also review the notes you wrote out loud and then quiz a friend about your notes and let them quiz you. Hope this helps!

A few days ago
open to the middle for the heck of it. if that doesn’t help open to nearly the last page.

A few days ago
Take the goddamn Ritalin.

A few days ago
just hardworking and u can get good grades

concentrate at your homework


A few days ago
Why? Are your hands broken?