A few days ago
Vin B

How many breaks are distributed during the SAT Test? How long are these breaks? When are they granted?

If you have taken the SAT test recently please share your experience by telling us what you would have done differently. Were there any surprises? Were the questions harder than the ones administered by the College Board test book? Were they easier than the ones provided by Barron’s prep book?

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago
I think I’m Dumb ~Amy~

Favorite Answer

We had breaks pretty frequently. I think it was after every two sections and are like 5-10 minutes. The questions arent as hard as I originally expected. I’d recommend that you just relax, read carefully, and try your hardest. Most of the mistakes I made were because I didnt read the question carefully and missed words such as NOT and EXCEPT, especially in the later sections when I was tired.