A few days ago


i don’t know y, but all of a sudden i got really nervous about highschool. is highschool easy? Should i join any sports? please give me some advice about higschool! thank you sooo much!

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

So, you’re going into the seventh grade? Seventh grade is not hard. Junior and Senior year suck hardcore though. Hope that helped.

Edit: I would like it to be noted that if you actually try to be in classes that are challenging in what I consider HS (9-12) then it is pretty hard. I hate old people who say that HS isn’t hard especially when you’re in IB. Dumbasses. Sry for that rant.


A few days ago
When i first started highschool, i was scared. But honestly theres nothing to be nervous about. You’ll have a great time. If you want to join a sports team go ahead! But choose something that you like to do or have interest in. Joing sports and clubs is a great way to meet new friends! Have fun and Good luck!

A few days ago
I just asked the same question pretty much:P

Im going to grade 10 though. highschool for me is 10-12

Anyways, people told me that it was realllllly fun. They said to focus on grades though enough and there will be a good bit of homework. Sports are good to join to balance the work with some play. Have fun!


A few days ago
was exactally like you when i started highschool and now im going into grade 10 at first yes you will be nervous but after the first couple days you will be fine you will have alot of new friends dont worry you will be fine and if you want to join sports and you think you are good at them go ahead but if you dont want to then dont its up to you πŸ˜€ but umm all i have to say about it is that highschool is the best years of your life and you will enjoy it and in a couple weeks you will look back and go why was i scared in the first place!!

,Saigey <3


A few days ago
You’re going to be fine in high school! It’s intimidating at first, but you’ll find your place.

Sports will be tough if you haven’t played sports before, but you’ll be fine.

Join some clubs! Have fun!

I don’t know if I would call HS “easy” but it’s not exactly hard. How much work you put in will tell you how easy or hard it really is.


A few days ago
tu madre:]
My 8th grade was combined with the HS and now I’m going into 9th. Last year really wasn’t bad. It’s much better, and I hated my middle school so I’m glad it’s over.

A few days ago
join as many clubs as you can. Also if you are good at a certian sport or you are into choir or drama definately do that. The most important thing is to stay ontop of your grades…you will regret it if you dont.

A few days ago
don’t worry. when i first went to high shool, i was really nervous too. now i’m in grade 9, and i got used to high school already. don’t worry, it’s not that hard if you pay attention in class.

A few days ago
sweety your going into middle skewl and just relax kickback an then turn on turbo mode when your failing ok j/k

A few days ago
7th grade is easy! and so is 8th and 9th lol πŸ˜› you should join whatever you want to do