A few days ago

What should a 504 Plan look like when the parent receives it from the school?

My son’s Principal sent home a piece of paper (not even on letterhead) with a list of 5 accommodations for my son. It doesn’t have any signatures or admin. names (like who prepared it)only my son’s first initial and last name. What should it look like? Seems a bit unofficial to me. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks!

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Unfortunately it was probably official and just poorly and sloppily dome.

You are correct in your criticisms and your desire to have other information placed on the 504. Sometimes a 504 document becomes part of a court proceeding. The school could deny its authenticity. In addition to the items that you mentioned it should also be dated and indicate to which school year it pertains.

I would make am appointment with the principal for a date after this question is closed and tell him your concerns together with the suggestions made here that you believe to be valid. Ask him for a revised copy of the 504

If you do not obtain satisfaction from the principal or if he says something like he is following district policy I would then repeat the process with the Superintendent and if necessary the Board of Education.

Good luck. You are correct and should not be dissuaded.


A few days ago
Typically a 504 plan states the child’s disability, how it effects functioning at school, and what accommodations are needed across different subjects or different school activities and generally who is responsible for implementing these accommodations. Typically the plan is presented in a meeting with the teacher, parents and administrator/ psychologist or someone so that they can be discussed and everyone is clear on who and how to do what when. One thing to keep in mind is the officialness of the document and how it looks is probably less important than getting your child’s needs met, but if the poor looking document indicates their ability, commitment or understanding of what your child needs then that is a big concern. Typically the 504 plan should be reviewed annually but will follow your child so a new teacher who was not involved with developing this plan may not understand a poorly written plan so more details are probably better. You can find more details about 504 at www.wrightslaw.com

A few days ago
504 plans are special accomodations to be made for a child who is having medical or behavioral difficulties in school. The 504 is used when the childs problems are not severe enough for a cit or a Iep. The 504 should list out all the accomodations being used to accomodate the child in question and a list of the names of who was ivoloved in coming up with the 504 plan and who will implement them. If the school has failed int his, request the official copy, You may have only recieved a rough draft.

A few days ago
Maybe it’s a draft of the tentative accommodations pending your approval/input at the meeting. Call and have the principal clarify.