A few days ago

If you are anti-abortions, would you adopt a child with down-syndrome or autism?

I didn’t think so either.

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

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The ironic thing is that the majority of disabilities result from condtions that cannot be determined prenatally, and thus are not detectable before the child is born.

I personally feel that there is a need for abortion in certain situations, and that I cannot be the judge for women who find themselves in those situations. Having said that, I also have to say that, as the sister of a woman with Down syndrome, and as a special education teacher, it causes me tremendous psychic and spiritual pain to know that 90% of all Down syndrome fetuses are now aborted. People with Downs have the potential to have fulfilling lives, and actually, I believe that they have a greater ability to appreciate life’s small but daily pleasures than most of us do. Most of us get hung up on “needing” something else to feel that our lives are complete, whereas most folks with Downs are happy in the here and now.

I would consider myself pro-life, despite the fact that I do favor a woman’s right to choose whether or not to continue a pregnancy. And yes, I absolutely would choose to raise the child of someone who chose to give up the child with a disability; for 15 years, I took in foster children with special needs.


A few days ago
I am extremely prolife, and yes I would adopt a special needs child. I already have two children of my own, and my son is autistic and almost completely nonverbal (says about a word a month or so).

A disabled/special needs child is a daunting challenge in so many ways. But a previous poster was right…they still have love to give, and lessons to teach US. And I have noticed that the 10% of Down’s children that aren’t sacrificed to abortion are indeed very happy children…happier than most “normal” kids, it seems!

I think that you are grossly underestimating the love of all children that comes with being prolife. Every child is a blessing, if one just opens up their eyes and hearts. I’m not at the point where I can adopt (I’m currently about to start supervising full-time therapy for my autistic son, so I definitely have my hands full right now), but I will happily do so one day if God calls me to. And if God leads us to adopt a disabled child, then we’ll just deal with that as a family.

No child is truly “defective.” They’re all miracles, in their own way.


A few days ago
Richard H
Yes, I would. I have worked as a student instructional assistant in a class with down syndrom for five of my eight semesters in high school. I also was President of the Disabled Students’ Union at my community college. I have a disability and can relate to them on a different level than many people.

A few days ago
Elizabeth S
Absolutely!!! A child is a child!

I have a friend too that was diagnosed with Down’s in the womb. Her mom made the difficult decision to keep her, as a single mom. She’s working on her doctorate and in her mid-20’s. Not all prenatal testing is perfect.


A few days ago
dolphin mama
I’m not sure what one has to do with the other…

Are you assuming that those who disbelieve in “killing innocent children” would also not take on the responsibility of a child with a disability that could have been “prevented” with an abortion?


A few days ago
A somewhat unfair question since there’s no prenatal screen for autism. It’s got to be diagnosed from behaviour after birth.

And I’m not even anti-abortion.


A few days ago
laurel g
Yes, I would. I’ve worked with many handy-capable children and adults. I’ve taken guardianship, reared them, loved them, and even had a child left ON MY DOORSTEP! Luckily, I am a teacher, social worker, mom, grandma, and I love children so very much. In many societies, the down syndrome child is considered the blessed child. Notice how Down Syndrome children are usually happy children.

A few days ago
Oh God yes. As the mother of an autistic child and I work with disabled children and their parents I would have no hesitation. These children can be very challenging but they change your life and have so much to give.

A few days ago
If I had the means, sure. But if abortion was restricted to these purposes, we would eliminate almost all abortions. Most people who have them use it as birth control, and end human lives in the process.

A few days ago
etta lenn
yes without even giving it a thought