A few days ago
m k

how would u create a behavior modification for student on going problem?

as a teacher in school.

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Students nowadays need good influences and role models that are positive in their thinking. Helping kids is important to a child’s self esteem to help them be productive adults in their lives. If you are a positive, good influential teacher that has high standards of morals and ethics and you like kids, their attitudes towards you will be of respect for you.

Kids shouldn’t be afraid of teachers that are there to teach and the kids are there to learn. Learning is a process and teaching is forever learning about the subject and how well students respond to the subject by the style how you teach…


A few days ago
Here is one way of doing it:

Take a piece of paper and above equally sized columns, write A B C. A stands for Antecedent to the problem behavior , B stands for whatever behavior occurred and C stands for Consequence or whatever the student got out of the behavior.

Go in and observe the student. In the A column, write everything that went on before the behavior ie. Q & A session, seatwork, reprimand or whatever. Then write the exact behavior and finally write the result or consequence. Students only misbehave for two reasons, to get something, usually attention and to get out or delay something, like work.

Do this for 30 minutes or until you see the behavior. Then later, look at your chart. You have some options here. Look at the A column. Are there things that can be changed? Look at the B column. Think of what behavior you would rather see and make plans to teach it. Finally, see if he is using the behavior to get attention or is he delaying or escaping a task.

The cure for attention seeking is to praise the behaviors that you want to see rather than giving all of your attention to the problem behavior. Do this systematically.

When children try to escape tasks, it is usually a task that is too difficult or too laborious. Try pre-teaching or cutting down the assignment.

This is a big subject to be discussed in this format so I suggest you go to “Dr. Mac’s Amazing Behavior Management Page.” You can read more about ABC recording (Also known as sequence analysis) and how to make changes to the environment and how to teach the replacement behavior you would like to see.


A few days ago
depends on the problem but umm lets see when i was a freshman i messed with my english teacher by yelling he was on crack.thusly “roddys on crack” became a famous saying at my school till last year when i graduated.and still is. but behavior modification .can you explain the situation.start messing with his grades unless hes an outstanding student which i highly doubt.but eventually he’ll ask why and you explain hes been less than satisfactory when it comes to classman ship and citizen ship and alot of times u find your self on the fence on too give him the higher grade or a lower one when its hard to decide so you base it upon his actions hell learn to calm down and change behavior.works for homework issues and behaivor isssues

A few days ago
First of all go to the authorities in your school – principal, special ed, whoever it might be. There are generally experts in your school system who can observe and help create a program. One thing that needs to be evaluated is whether the problem is possibly related to ADHD or a learning difference.