A few days ago

how to make a school system acknowledge dyslexia?

how to make a school system acknowledge dyslexia?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

In the school system that I work in, we can not identify/label a student as being dyslexic. We call it a “processing disorder” under the umbrella term “specific learning disability.”

Unfortunately, you can not make a school system “recognize” all of the disabilities out there as there would be thousands upon thousands to list. Also, the federal law related to disabilities and education (IDEA) has umbrella terms that encompass many common disabilities. This is NOT something your school system can change, it is a federal law.

Areas covered under “specific learning disability:”

* The child does not achieve adequately for the child’s age or to meet State-approved grade-level standards in one or more of the following areas, when provided with learning experiences and instruction appropriate for the child’s age or State-approved grade–level standards:


o Oral expression.

o Listening comprehension.

o Written expression.

o Basic reading skills.

o Reading fluency skills.

o Reading comprehension.

o Mathematics calculation.

o Mathematics problem solving.

Taken from: http://idea.ed.gov/explore/view/p/%2Croot%2Cdynamic%2CTopicalBrief%2C23%2C


A few days ago
Rosemary S
All school systems should have something in place because it’s required by the U.S. govt. Your question doesn’t say whether you’re a parent or a student in the school. There are tests to take. Go to the principal of the school and ask for the testing.

If that doesn’t work, be prepared to go to the superintendent. In the rare (I hope!) case that you’re still having trouble, go to the School Board. Still a dead end? Go to the media. Keep written records of people you talk to, when, and what they said. Keep any paper you get. Ask for things ON paper. Don’t give up.

Be sure all of the requirements after the testing are followed – the meetings with the tester, the counselor, the principal, whomever. You DO have to expect to work hard at getting things straight. Then, if it’s easier than you thought, thank your lucky stars and help the next person!

If you’re the parent, see if you or your spouse also have a dyslexia of some kind.

Know that dyslexia and intelligence have very little if anything to do with each other! Many very smart people have dyslexia.

There is a lot of information online about dyslexia, and your doctor and public health people should have info, too.

This comment presumes you are in the USA.


A few days ago
I have tried and failed !Good luck!! I will say I was his best teacher ;providing him with computer programs and advocating for him for tests and such. He now has skills he developed to read and copy information with less difficulty. Most of what I’ve read is that dyslexia is so individualized, that most students need to find what works for them. I couldn’t have done it w/o the help of some SUPER teachers over the years!!