A few days ago
Jenee N

What is a good quote to sum up world war II?

I am doing this art project and the first part is a quote to show the theme of my project ( I chose WWII). In my project I am including alot from WWII so it can’t just be about Hitler or Pearl Harbor or something because I am having alot of WWII in it. These are the things I think are going to be in it if this will help: Hilter as a leader, kristallnacht, the concentration camps (and the Holocaust in general),Pearl Harbor, Nagasaki and Hiroshima, and much more. Anyways, if any of you already know of any amazing quotes to sum up this sad and terrible war, than please tell me because I would really appreciate it!

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

General quotes about war that might work well:


Famous quotes from World War II:


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5 years ago
Republicans always stick to their story that the excessive boom-times of the wealthiest couple of percent since Reaganomics were somehow well deserved. guess what? Trickle down is a lie. The top 1% now own more than twice as much of the country’s wealth percentage as it did 30 years ago, while the middle class has not shared much of this huge expansion. Yet republicans stick to this same tired out story that somehow reducing something which was excessive to begin with is “socialism” or “theft”. It would be like a morbidly obese man eating ten boxes of donuts a day and being told he can only have nine now and his reply is “but I’ll starve to death”. I have no sympathy for these whiners. I do not buy into this republican story one bit.

A few days ago
“War is Hell’, a comment made by William T. Sherman, Civil War General. As true in that time as now, and in WW2

A few days ago
“Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few”

“If Hitler invaded Hell I would make at least a favourable reference to the devil in the House of Commons”

Winston Churchill.


A few days ago
“War is hell” – Tecumsah Sherman during the Civil War. Well, as the other person wrote, W. T. Sherman

A few days ago
“The only thing to fear is fear itself.” FDR

“There was never a good war, there was never a bad peace.”

“War is Hell”


A few days ago