A few days ago

What do you think about this quote?

Someone (I can’t remember who) is quoted as saying “Dissention is the highest form of patriotism.” What are your thoughts of this? Do you agree? Dissagree? Why?

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I don’t know if it’s necessarily the highest…

And I’m not sure I know what dissention is, but I think it means disagreement…

And if that’s the case, I can understand what they mean…

Patriotism isn’t a sheep that follows the flock blindly. The country that we have today (good or bad) was created from TONS of dissention…

There was the whole ‘religious’ issue that caused the pilgrims to move to America in the first place…

There was the issue of slavery that brought the majority of black people to this country…

There was the disagreement between the north and south that formally put an end to slavery…

Between all of the political debates we have in everyday life… Not to mention the official televised ones… It’s a wonder anyone would disagree fully with this statement.. =-\


A few days ago
Thomas Jefferson said it.


Main Entry: dis·sen·sion

Variant(s): also dis·sen·tion /di-‘sen(t)-sh&n/

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French discension, from Latin dissension-, dissensio, from dissentire

: DISAGREEMENT; especially : partisan and contentious quarreling

A true patriot will be interested in the inner workings of the government, will be a member of a party & will work to keep that party headed in the right direction.

I’m not so sure we see true dissention these days like Thomas Jefferson was envisioning. I see more of a greed for money or prestige.


A few days ago
Aquatic Rodent ‘”)
Hi Cini.. I Believe that what Howard Z meant by that quote was “Question Authority”, because we can plainly see where complacency has gotten us. What’s good for our government today is not necessarily good for the citizens or the world. I will agree because my experience growing up behind the “iron curtain” dictates it.

A few days ago
False I would not consider anyone who feels they should descent a patriot/ unless for the other side.

A few days ago
Disagree. That hardly makes sense.

A few days ago
Farmer & Granny Crabtree
I thought it wuz’ “Dissentary is the highest form of botulism!’

Ain’t that it?!


A few days ago