A few days ago

What do you think about this one???

“Never argue with an idot people passing by wont tell the difference”.

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Ah ha! So true. Have you ever done it? You argue and argue let’s say about the sky being blue, because they say greenish, so while you’re explaining, they go, “My mom loves to grow daisies.” WHAT? Then you know you are talking to one for sure and walk away. πŸ™‚ And I do imagine someone walking by would be thinking, “Look at the 2 idiots arguing”. Also because arguing and debating are different. You just argue over facts, no one is getting anywhere. My hubby has a t-shirt that reads, “I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person” and laughs when people say, “What’s that mean?”.

A few days ago
!ts _a_ type
It seems like people here are having a hard time understanding it. What it means is: Never argue with an idiot since the people passing by WHILE YOU ARE ARGUING WITH THE IDIOT will assume you are BOTH idiots, since that what it looks like when someone argues with an idiotic person.

Like dawnUSA said: “I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person. Which means: A person not armed with wit(an idiot), I won’t bother to argue with.


A few days ago
I’m sorry but the sentence does not make a lot of sense so I can’t get your point. Are you trying to say that passers-by won’t be able to tell with difference between an idiot and will argue with one? I’m sorry but you need to go back and reconstruct.

A few days ago

two reasons for that:

1- talking to an idiot wont make any difference as he/she will not care for what you are saying, or wont be able to give you any rich statement. (besides making you looking like another idiot)

2- what’s the point anyways? He will be passing by. nothing good out of it.


A few days ago
Reminds me of some comedian…

“Arguing with that guy is like running a race in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you’re still retarded.”


A few days ago
makes sense. If you are trying to argue with an idiot, you will look like one too.

A few days ago
Experto Credo
Makes sense to me.

A few days ago
i think it makes no sense

A few days ago
two here…points that is.