A few days ago

Quote help (writing essay for english class)?

so i’m writing an essay for english and its on the Odysseus. its about how telemachus transforms from book 1 to book 2.

i’m trying to incorporate a quote and dont know how to cite it correctly. our teacher said to put the book number first (sine the Odysseus is the only source we’re using) and than the line number

now here’s my question, should it be like


“…they infest our palace day and night, they butcher our cattle, our sheep, our fact goats, feasting themselves sick, swilling our glowing wine as if there’s no tomorrow- all of it squandered,” (1.59).


“…they infest our palace day and night, they butcher our cattle, our sheep, our fact goats, feasting themselves sick, swilling our glowing wine as if there’s no tomorrow- all of it squandered (1.59).”



“…they infest our palace day and night, they butcher our cattle, our sheep, our fact goats, feasting themselves sick, swilling our glowing wine as if there’s no tomorrow- all of it squandered (1.59)”.

help please!

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

A is the right way for MLA format

A few days ago
I believe that “A” is the right way. I’m not 100% but we just did a report like that recently and that’s how we did it. If this isn’t right, I’m sorry.

5 years ago
the first part means to learn a trade or a skill. something to which a person will be paid to support themselves or a family. the 2Nd part means to me how to live morally by reading the bible one hour a day as JOHN ADAMS DID.