A few days ago

PLEASE help me with this quote, I need your opinions???

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,

there is a field. I’ll meet you there.

Rumi – 13th century

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago
laurel g

Favorite Answer

There is the black and there is the white. I will meet you in the gray zone.

Why? Because when you see things as only perfectly BAD or perfectly GOOD………………you miss life, entirely. Life is in a gray zone, where things are never perfectly BAD or perfectly GOOD.

There is a field of understanding, and that is where the people who understand this meet.


A few days ago
I doubt the source its not by Rumi! its for sm 1 called abdul wa7ed smthing ..and it goes like that in arabic and the translation have waisted a lot of the potential meanings in it:

man 3arefany fi al sara2 wa althara2,is6afaytahu bi6urbi

which has two meanings ..one belongs to the Islamic methodology referring to the god who ill select only people who will thank him in the good and bads of their lives,and this one is most probably is the one that he refers to,

while the other meaning is more Buddhist or ZEN considering the two parts of the ZEN the Ying and Yang ,the light and dark which will form the circle of perfection and when u will be aware of these two and how perfect they are together and the way one completed the other by then only u will be reaching the Nirvana…

and both ways leading to the same aim…which Einstein explained it so clearly..the relativity..with out white ..u can never tell the black…


A few days ago
Try that one on the prisoners in our penitentiary system. when they get 30 to life. Where exactly is that field? and when will you be there? My opinion? Doing wrong is a fact. Do the crime…do the time. Live your life right and enjoy the benefits that you can reap. “Out beyond ideas”.? Not sure what that means.

A few days ago
Iris the Librarian
If it’s a quote, what do you want us to say? Are you questioning his thinking? Asking us to help you find a citation in a book of quotations?

I’m sure there are folks on Answers who can help you with your question, but we need more information.


A few days ago
Cool quote. To me it means, to transcend the societies ideas of morality and unite in in true transcendental bliss and freedom.

Very Zen-Is it Buddhist or Muslim?


A few days ago
Marilynn W
that sounds great were did you find that?