A few days ago

Please elaborate on how you feel about this quote “knowledge comes but wisdom lingers.?

an aquaintance of mine feels its incorrect she wrote me a comment saying that if i read proverbs i’ll know that god already gave us wisdom so no more lingerin but tell me how you feel

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Your friend needs a dictionary. To linger means to stay around longer than other things; something slow to leave. So even if god already gave us wisdom, that doesn’t mean that the wisdom isn’t lingering around. In fact, it means that it is lingering! The saying means that wisdom is forever while knowledge is forgotten. In a way, your friend was right. But she seriously needs to get a dictionary and think about what she is saying before she says it.

A few days ago
Your aquaintance is some what wrong…. you have to “ask” God for wisdom.

What I believe this quote to mean is that knowledge comes to you when you learn more and more about everything, but wisdom only ligers. It takes more than just being knowledgable about something to be wise. You could know everything in the world, but if you do not know HOW to use that knowledge then you are not wise.


A few days ago
one of a kind
my guess is that knowledge is forever attainable, we can always learn more. but wisdom is knowing how to use the knowledge or knowing how to apply it in life

So its not a question of what you know, its a questio of what you do with it that counts. That varies from individual to individual, depending on how quick they adapt their knowledge

Without knowledge action is useless and knowledge without action is futile.

Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers. It may not be difficult to store up in the mind a vast quantity of face within a comparatively short time, but the ability to form judgments requires the severe discipline of hard work and the tempering heat of experience and maturity.

Calvin Coolidge


A few days ago
Well, if you are not religious then her comment doesnt mean a thing. If your not religious I wouldnt even give her comment a second thought. If you are, then its up to you to interpret if you believe what she says.

I think it means this….

In life, so much knowledge comes your way…

math, science, language, daily living facts, common sense things etc.

If you learn to apply that knowledge to your everyday life as valuable information it will linger. experience of knowing that knowledge is important will linger


A few days ago
it really matters on what you belive wisdom and knowlage are.,

it means to me that knowlage come in learning form so it can be lost but wisdow stays with one who has wisdom.