A few days ago

love poems//love qoutes…?

hey. do you know any good loves poems//love qoute? nothing pathetic. it can’t be by a famous dead person…something like…

Whats shrek without donkey?

What’s minnie without mickey?

what piglet without pooh?

whats Patrick without sponge bob?

Whats me without you?

I don’t want to be the girl

that you come for advice to

or that you “hang out with”.

I want to be the girl

you want to spend you life with.

stuff like that. ok? ty♥

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

photo bucket has some great ones.

A few days ago
♥ Lil love lady ♥
“If you want to know how much i love and care for you, count the waves”

-Kenneth Kohl-

P.S. I’ve tried it and they never end ;P Lol