A few days ago
Brianna S

I dont understand this quote?

I have a qoute to write about but I dont understand it that well. It says “The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindeld”.

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

It is saying that you shouldn’t just learn things for the sake of memorizing facts. You should learn things so it makes you question life and the world around you.

By filling a vessel, you just pour things into it and don’t really pay much attention to what goes in. Something goes in and it later goes out with no one really caring all that much about it. When you kindle a fire, you tend to it, stir it, make it grow and stay alive. You cause it to rise, to illuminate, to shine.


A few days ago
Picture a bowl being filled with water. Would you say the bowl (vessel) is taking an active or passive role? How, if at all, do the bowl and water interact? How does the image of the bowl holding water affect you?

Now picture a bunch of stick, and something has set fire to them. Do the sticks take an active or passive role? How, if at all, do the sticks and fire interact? How does this image of burning sticks affect you?

Your mind is the bowl / sticks. Information is the water and fire. What kind of knowledge is the water and fire? What kind of person would teach “water knowledge” and what kind “fire knowledge”?


A few days ago
I’d have to say that I see it like this…You can’t always just fill your mind with information and memories. You can’t always just sit there and tell yourself how to feel or live life. But like a fire, your memories and knowledge has to come from experience. You have to feed the mind, but as you feed the mind, the mind exherts more. Therefore you have to fill it with real things.

Did that help any?


A few days ago
it’s about not just filling your mind with facts, but having the facts make you want to learn more, to absorb more. The fire of wanting to know and understand more.

5 years ago
You love a person. But you like another one. Let’s say you leave the one you “love” for the one you “like”. But this person you like “loves” someone else. Basically, they might “leave you for the one they love”. I’m really sorry if I didn’t explain right, it IS a little confusing.

A few days ago
It means you can’t just teach someone by telling them information…you have to find a way to make them understand and want to learn more…so that they will continue to learn…..i’m pretty sure that’s what it means…but it might be a good idea to check my answer….