A few days ago
Blessing N

Do you agree with the assertion that “in order to be literate, children and young people must be able to read,

Do you agree? (i do but i just want to know other’s opinions)

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

The “young fella” got the earlier part of your question right, and may add more to his answer.

In case he doesn’t, I will add this for him, and for you. The concept you describe is called “Reading for understanding”. To simply see letters and sound out each in order to make words is not really “reading”. Reading is seeing words, connecting them with other words so that some meaning is extracted and, further, understanding that meaning, analyzing it to determine whether it is true, critiquing it to determine whether it has been expressed fully, and in a proper grammatical form, and finally, responding to what you have read with a statement which expresses your opinion regarding the sentiment, expressed in an understandable, LITERATE, way.

This level of reading skills is an essential accomplishment that every child should be taught. Without this ability, we will have a world of mindless creatures who can be ruled by the handful who have managed to reach this level of understanding. Do you wish to take the chance that these “rulers” will have the best interest of the rest of the world’s population as a top priority? No matter how good a person someone may have once been, having such skills when so few others can equal them, gives the skillful person great power.

And it has been rightly said that power corrupts; I would add that absolute power corrupts absolutely.


4 years ago
Most humans could not learn – that’s why stores used indicators striking from their doorways and home windows, so humans would see what the store was once for and not using a ought to be literate. This continues to be visible in a few stores, even at present. For instance, a barber will traditionally have the pink & white whirl stripe banner – it represents the white white shaving mouse and the pink blood (from the reduce-throat razors used). It was once no longer only for females’s sake – how common of a feminist to lie like that.

A few days ago
Absolutely! The term literate is defined in “Encarta” as:

lit·er·ate [ líttərət ]



1. able to read and write: having the ability to read and write

2. knowledgeable: having a good understanding of a particular subject

Children have to become computer-literate.

3. well-educated and well-read: well-educated and cultured, especially with respect to literature or writing

4. skillfully written: showing skill in the techniques of writing

a literate account of the voyage

noun (plural lit·er·ates)


1. somebody capable of reading and writing: somebody who is able to read and write

2. somebody with extensive education: a well-educated, learned, or cultured person

[15th century. < Latin litteratus< littera "letter"] lit·er·ate·ly adverb The only way I can see a person being able to be classed as literate to fit such a definition is to be able to read and understand what it is they are reading and be able to form opinions about it. Reading is a fundamental skill needed to be literate but also the ability to think and reason critically are skills that children need to develop if they are going to be literate.


A few days ago
debi jean
Yes,a child needs to learn how to read and be taught that reading is a good thing.They will be able to use this the rest of their lives!!