A few days ago

why is math important?

why is math important?

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I used to ask this question all the time in school and was never satisfied with the answers I got. We all know counting change is important, but why higher math? It wasn’t until I read a little paperback titled “Surely you’re joking Mr. Feynman!” that I understood. The book is hilarious to read (shockingly) and is written by one of the greatest mathematicians of the past 200 years. I guarantee it answers your question.

Math is really just a language, like French or English. But there are some realllly cool things you can do when you speak it well; there really is no way to explain it except in its language. And math is anything but dull. Take Pythagoras for example. Quirky guy that had a mystical occult-like following (the Pythagoreans) who figured out some pretty nifty mysteries of the universe using math. Google it. The Kaballah is an example of where mathematical principles can actually be used to awaken the mind to higher states of consciousness. No one in high school ever told me these things & I could go on and on. Check it out.


A few days ago
H-e-l-l-o! Like it or not money runs the world. You better know how to make it, how to manage it, how to save it and how to invest it to make it work for you and your future or you’re royally s-c-r-e-w-e-d!

Your money is simple math. You bring money in, you pay money out. If you spend more than you make simply because you want to live like a rich man and have all the goodies before you actually EARN all the goodies, you will eventually find yourself in a huge hole called credit card BANKRUPTCY!

Sounds easy to escape your responsibilities, but you pay for that label for the rest of your life. What a lifelong shame upon you because you didn’t pay attention in math class, grow up and get responsible!! :O)))


A few days ago
Math is important because it shows your brain to work in complex ways so if your used to being able to solve difficult questions and find new ways to solve math problems. The same way of thinking can be applied to everyday life and problems you need to find a way around or to fix.

A few days ago
Simple math runs your life: addition, subtraction, multiplication to figure percentages and portion, amoung many other things. The more complicated math, that engineeers, scientists and other professionals use are long complicated formulas that run instructions and software on computers, behind architecture and how structures are built (geometry), and the whole financial world is run on math. Business runs on statistics and numbers to find out if they are profitable and delivering goods and services efficiently to the market.

A few days ago
Well if you want to be able to figure out your paycheck (got paid enough, enough taxes taken out), figure your living expenses (food, rent, gas, enterainment, medical), cook ( how much for how many people, recipe takes yeah so much of certain ingredients to make it taste right), travel…….and the list can go on but I think you get the point 🙂

Look nobody really likes math(except the math geeks), but it is a neccessary evil if you want to live and eat and get through life .


A few days ago
it’s something that u will be using the rest of your life!!!