A few days ago
Igloo Man

Where should I study abroad?

I’ve been thinking about either studying in Edinburgh, Scotland or London England. In your opinion, where do you think I should study?

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

One of the biggest advantages of studying abroad is language immersion. It has one of the biggest payoffs in the end. So, I would suggest someplace where you can learn a new language.

A few days ago
Helen Kitty
If you are interested in English literature then Edinburgh would be a great city as it’s the birthtown of many famous authors and there’s a yearly Shakespeare festival. Whichever option you choose, studying abroad is a great great experience. Good luck

A few days ago
Well I live in Edinburgh, it’s a great place to study. The only bad thing is the weather… it rains like every other day… but for studying it’s seriously great. Good luck mate.

A few days ago
Chiv D
it all depends on the major, the university and u.. where will you be comfortable? i would go to london england but thats just me.. i study in uni in dubai and im really happy.. plus its the best business school in the gulf… so it is not about where u go.. it is about what you are studying and how good the studies are..

A few days ago
It really just depends on you, but i personly want to go to england so thats what i would say

A few days ago
depends on what you want to study, Glasgow Uni, i think, is quite good ๐Ÿ™‚

A few days ago
scotland, great nightlife