A few days ago

What are the odds that a perfectly sweet yet shy child will start using drugs and/or alcohol in high school?

Let’s say this sweet yet shy child has a parent who is overly critical or parents who are just plain disinterested. Let’s also say that since this child is shy and lacks self-esteem, they are picked on by bullies at school, and then there are always a few teachers who find shy child to be easy targets for their unhappinesses and stress. This child most likely will become an angry, self-destructive person who could care less what harm they do to themselves. I’m writing this to say to parents – don’t be so hard on your kids when they fail. Be strict, of course. But don’t be so darn critical and irritable with them! Teachers- you need to know that your kindnesses OR unkindnesses last a life time, and can make or break your student’s spirit. If a child seems very shy and withdrawn, there is most likely something going on at home. Even if it isn’t physcial abuse, it could very well be verbal abuse. This child needs your kindness and encouragement so much.

Top 8 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

50/50 and kudos to you for your insight to a large problem

A few days ago
Goethe’s Ghostwriter
Same as any child; about 1 out three. Good luck and stand up for yourself!

Either blame others and drop out or stand up and be counted. Your life can be ANYTHING YOU WANT IT TO BE.


A few days ago
I totally drank like a fish when i was 12 fo the same reason.

A few days ago
First, it is not a teachers job to raise your child, that’s your job as a parent. Teachers are paid, (very poorly) to teach children how to survive in tomorrows world. Show me ONE teachers contract that requires “kindnesses”. Teachers are lucky to make it through a week without being assaulted by the “angry, self-destructive person” you call a child!

That said, your “sweet yet shy child”, depending on the school, may commit suicide by taking drugs or fly into a rage and take others with them on their trip to death. The picture you paint of the child is not too bright in todays world.


A few days ago
F Princess
the odds are extremely high..because as u said ther is always a reason for this to happen

A few days ago
Fairly high. Most do.

A few days ago

A few days ago
J Unit
They will probably do it.