A few days ago

Was anyone out of school for while,and went back to get their GED?

If so,how long did it take you to get it,and how did you study for it?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Quit school in 1986.

Went to Study group for the GED test in 1988 and failed.lol

Then tried it again in 1994 and passed with really high marks, I didn’t study that time.


A few days ago
My husband did… he was out of school for about 2 years and decided on his GED. He signed up for the test, and they gave him the next available slot for the testing… I think it was like 30-60 days for the apointment. He did no studying and did just fine. You can go to Barns and Noble and pick up “GED for Dummies” (not calling you a dummie) but it will help you remember some of the basics you will need to pass the test. Good luck hun, and congrats to you or whoever is going for the GED for makeing the decision to get the certificate!!! 🙂