A few days ago

Tutoring In Orlando Florida?

I need tutoring for my 12 year old son in Orlando Florida?

My son is at the 8th grade and needs math tutoring. I will not pay a lot (about $50 a week). Do you have ideas how could I get free or inexpensive tutoring for him?

Thank you

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

i live in orlando too and at my middle school they offer free tutering through the ymca after school program. Or you could ask his math teacher for help for him to understand. Check with the ymca first at most schools it runs from 4-6 and i s FREE. If he is in advanced classes try swiching him down.

If that doesn’t work try the sylvan learnig center or a friend who could help him and give him a few bucks a week for his help. And you could help him by finding his weaknesses.


A few days ago
Richard J
type online tutoring at yahoo search ,go through the links and decide which matches your choice .