A few days ago

Teachers: what kind of reward/consequence system do you use in your classroom?

I’m starting my fourth year teaching 1st graders, and I’d like to try some NEW and UNIQUE things…not the “same ol'”, so please, spare me the things I already know!

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

please quit your job. i’m sorry but i hate teachers. they have made my life miserable. i stress and loose hair and break out becuase of the work they give me. you’re fine though i guess.

i would keep a bag of prizes or something.


A few days ago
Don’t quit your job. Don’t listen to that person. Teachers were the one who taught people the right way to do, so that their students won’t be in the wrong path.

Anyway, I’m not a teacher but I will tell you what she does. We have this currency system in our classroom. It’s called KK. Students should have to earn KK in order to buy something for free. The Money we used is called KKbucks. Our teacher gives them once a student has been good in his/her grades and his/her attitude.

Students should keep their kkbucks. At the end of the month, Kk bucks can be used in buying things that the teacher can sell. For example, candy is equivalent to 1 KKbuck.

The teacher has the right to deduct Kkbucks.

Hope that helps.