A few days ago

spanish school in California?

Is there any school teaching in Spanish in any California area, specially in Los Angeles?

please tell me is you have any information about spanish high school or school in California or New York.

It doesn´t matter if the school is private o public


Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Living in New York, I am not familiar with school in California, But I do know that that California has a very large Spanish speaking population and as such there should be many classes in Spanish.

Contact your local school district and ask them there. You should also be able to find information at your local high school. Many schools provide adult education classes and i think that you should be able to find several that teach Spanish in the evening at little or no charge.

Look on line and go to search engine such as Yahoo or google and enter Spanish class together with the name of the town or city that you live in, in the search box. You should find a number of different programs.

Also look in your yellow pages telephone directory under something like foreign language instruction. You should also find leads there.

Good luck in your search.


A few days ago
Interesting. I subbed a spanish class at Hollywood High today. It was terrible.

About half the students there already speak Spanish, so they’re just there to get a quick passing grade. Others are there to learn Spanish, but they’re really not all that motivated. Students are always told to take Spanish, “It’ll be good for you”. This isn’t the first time I’ve dealt with this.

Sadly enough, although I do speak some Spanish, I seem to get more cooperation in French classes… of which I know nothing about.

I sure that experiences would be better at schools that are deemed as better.