A few days ago

high school!?

i go to high school..and i’m in my 3rd year.. so no im not a newbie but im still having some problems. at my school..no one really cares about grades, which is really a first for me having come from a family where grades is the most important thing basically.. at my school its all about how you look. the clothes you wear and the makeup you put on..it makes it so difficult to feel confident in a group of girls who are like so nicely dressed with lots of makeup and it makes me feel sort of out of place. ive learned to dress nicer and i occasionally wear makeup but i feel like its never enough. i dont know whats wrong with me..high school’s finally gettin to me

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

You know a lot of people experience this same thing in high school and the people outside of it also did as well. Appearances seem to matter more than anything and unfortunately, there’s nothing you can do to sway the minds of others.

What noone ever tells you is this: while those girls may seem confident and pretty with their makeup and clothes, after senior year noone gives a hoot. Seriously, noone cares. And is there anything other than vapid hot air in their heads underneath that get up? let’s hope not, goodness knows it could just be gas. What noone ever tells you is that there are other people who think just like you, but they are too afraid to speak up and seek each other out for fear of looking “nerdy” and “uncool.”

I hate to break it to you, but girls tend to be competitive and I found out that all those standards of beauty– whether or not your eyeliner is on right, your clothes are pretty, your hair– are all made by women and guys simply don’t care about that stuff. Granted you shouldn’t smell, but aside they don’t care. That’s why it never feels like enough.

Have you been able to make some friends who share the same thoughts and views as yourself? I know it must be hard but that would really help. Have you considered maybe joining an out of school group where you can meet other people outside of your high school, who share common interests with you other than clothes and makeup?

High school is really hard but I do have hope for you: after high school all people really care about is what you have to bring to the table. If you don’t have much, life is really hard unless you open your legs (and mouth, ahem) a lot.

I know it’s really easy for those of us who have already been there to tell you that it’ll all be over soon and I understand why you feel like an outsider. When you’re a teenager, wanting to fit in like everyone else is normal, even though you as an individual is changing. Conformity is just another way for a lot of people to feel secure, when in reality they are insecure.

It seems that you’re a lot more secure than that, but just feel like an oddball because nothing you do is very enough for them. But what would you rather do– lose yourself by conforming and never really learn to be yourself, or get high grades, get into a college, and meet people who want you to be you?

Keep holding yourself steady, it’ll be over soon enough!


A few days ago
That’s how schools are today. I get the same “dress to get laid” type of responses around me. Not my sort of lifestyle. You shouldn’t try to fit in to impress someone or a group. Be an individual with your own goals, style, etc. That’s a great virtue.

High school is practically pre-adulthood. I do think whatever a person does in high school carry over to their later life. Lazy people will be lazy later, as the superficial kids.

Maintain your grades, join clubs/activities you enjoy, and just make the best of the last two years or so. I’m surprised how soon high school is ending for me(3rd year also). Do your best, and strive for the future. Don’t follow the downward trend, or you’ll just fall with them.


A few days ago
There is nothing wrong with you. Your values are similar to mine.

Clothing and make up are important to a certain extent. Excessive interest in either is a false value.

I understand your desire to conform. It is an important part of being a teenager and is important for some adults as well. Again the excessive desire to conform is a false value. You have improved the way that you dress and you do use makeup some of the time. My wife never uses makeup. I happen to approve of that, but it is her decision which I respect.

Continue with your emphasis on doing well in school and with your desire to do your own thing.


A few days ago
This is typical high school. You just need to stay yourself. Grades will get you a lot farther than nice clothes. Also you only have under 2 yrs left. Once you get to college, the whole popularity game goes down a lot. College is when you are away from your parents, and usually make more choices on your own. Good grades is what will get you scholarships to good colleges, not dressing nice.

A few days ago
i think ur trying to hard to “fit in” … because i dress however i feel like that day.. i dont wear make up and yet..i hang out w/ every1… i mean not EVERY1 but hoes-skaters-emos-gangstaz-..ect. i think its mainly about attitude … the clothes & the make up dont make the person have friends or fit in… im not in any stereotype n im doin just fine u kno? so dont worry bout wht da others r doing..do ur own thing cuz wen u try 2 hard ppl notice very easily …

A few days ago
oh wow, i know exactly how you feel. im 20, and i remember being in HS when ALL that mattered to everyone was who was dating who and what who was wearing and all that crap. trust me, once its over, not one person cares the least bit about what happened. just be yourself, do what you want and ignore those girls. there are those type of girls at every school, the ones everyone envies, hates, and wished that they were their friend. but trust me, those girls arent that happy and are definetely not going to be as successful in life as you are. truuuuust me, be yourself and ignore all their crap. if they dont like you for who you are, they can suck it.

A few days ago
just dont care.

wear what you want and live your life.

highschool has its drama but just dont involve yourself.

be yourself and do what you want.