A few days ago

Science Subjects?

What is the use of studing science in life as to get a proper job related to sciences you would have study for 5-6 years more compared to commers stream

what is the advantage in studing science?

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Is there a fear of education in this generation? “Science” is a pretty broad subject. You dont necessarily need to study for 5-6 years to get a job in all science related areas. But I imagine that if you chose to go into an area that required that, it would be because you want to. That being said, a good basic understanding of basic scientific principles teaches you how to think. It also gives you a more well rounded basic education that can apply to many other disciplines. Often, things do not appear to be valuable when you are struggling with learning them. Later in life, it makes more sense.