A few days ago

School in Maine making birth control pills and patches available to students?

I heard today that a middle school in Maine is making birth control pills and patches available to their students. Before they can get them, they have to get a note from their parent or guardian to be treated in the school’s clinic and then they have to have an exam. The care is confidential and is up the student to tell their parents what happened at the apppointments, the school legally can not give out that information. What do you all think about this? Good, bad, for it, against it and why.

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

To all you dumb, uneducated people. If you agree with this ridiculous rule, then you must’ve had sex at 7!!! I honestly dont’t understand this mentalitly of “if they’re gonna do it, then they should be protected.” That is such you know what. Does that mean they should hand out baby blankets too!? Just in case they have the “urge?” Come on guys! Kids need to have some responsibility and self control for their actions! Believe it or not, not all kids will or SHOULD have sex when they are in 6th grade! Our culture is going down, way down, and it is because of this and dumb stuff like the HPV virus. Kids SHOULD NOT be having sex until they’re mentally, and physically ready. And I don’t care what kind of so called “mature” kid it is, because that’s what they are, KIDS! They are not emotionally prepared for the aftermath of sex, no matter how many condoms or pills they have.These KIDS are in middle school, they should not even be THINKING about sex until they are much older, AT LEAST in High School for crying out loud! And where are these parents whose kids are having sex in middle school?! I’m sorry, but parents need to be parents NOT friends. They need to say no once in a while, and set restrictions. This is truly and utterly ridiculous.

A few days ago
ZombieTrix 2012
I am a huge advocate of making birth control accessible to girls, but I do wonder about this one for a couple of reasons.

First of all, grown women forget to take the pill. I think, simply because children that age are very likely to forget to take it, they will be lulled into a false sense of security.

Furthermore, I don’t know how safe those hormones are for girls that age and size. Granted, I don’t know the answer here on this one, but I think it’s important that we ask the question.

My biggest issue, though, is that the pill and the patch do not protect against STDs, and – let’s face it – if a girl is sexually active at 11 years old, she may have to worry about STDs by the time she is 13. I would much prefer condom distribution.

Still, if a girl is going to be sexually active at that age, she certainly should have birth control. It sure beats the alternative.


A few days ago
I think that it is a very good idea – anything which prevents an unwanted pregnancy is worthwhile.

Medical appointments should be confidential so I see no problem in the parent not being given information. If the parent is doing their parenting job properly the child will tell them anyway. If a child has crap parents then the child deserves the confidentiality that goes with the birth control service.

The alternative is that parents take a proactive line with children, teach them everything they need to know about birth control and take them along to their own doctor for pills/patches. Unlikely.


A few days ago
I think its crazy that kids in middle school even NEED birth control! And this kinda makes me feel a little uneasy…But, I guess its good they are offering it, because if they are sexually active, then they are going to be protected against pregnancy, and I’m sure they wouldn’t want to just come out and ask for it from their parent’s if there wasn’t something available like this. What ever happened to waiting until you were married? Much less waiting until you get into High School!!

A few days ago
Think about teen pregnancy rates. The risks of taking the pill or using the patch are minimal in healthy kids.

A few days ago
lester b
They should give them birth control then put them under survailence and arrest them when they catch them having sex. I’d be arrested if I had sex with them. They’re not supposed to have sex, so they don’t need birth control. Otherwise stop arresting adults for having sex with them.

A few days ago
Vera C
I posted the same question earlier. Check my questions for some very good answers.