A few days ago

plz help.its regarding my future?

i am know in tenth. i have came to know a scholarship exam. it is in september. if i get selected it in then i will have to attend a interview in november. if i could pass the interview i could go for a four year study in singapore. i really want to do well in the exam. but as i am in tenth i will have to study for the very crucial board exam. if i study for the scholarship it would distrub my school studies. if i get selected in the exam and not in the interview it would be waste spending time on it and also i will not have enough time to study for my board exam. i want to try the scholarship as well as if i do not get selected i should be able to do well in my board exam.

what should i do ? plz help. in which should i concentrae more. but if i get selected in the scholarship exam i colud have the brightest future. and if i do well in board i would get science group.

thank you.

Top 8 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Ask yourwself 2 questions:

1. If I do it what’s the Best thing that could happen for me?

2. If I don’t do it…what’ the best thing that can happen for me?


A few days ago
Free Scholarship Info and $10,000 College Scholarship Contest!



A few days ago
Focus on school, good grades often guarantee you an entrance scholarship.

scholarship exam? Sounds like BS, most only require you to write why you need/want the scholarship and post your grades.

There are literally hundreds of scholarships…


A few days ago
Mickey S
You need to spend time with English and grammar first. Until that is done you won’t have a chance for the scholarship. Your first priority is your basic education. There is plenty of time to look to the future. There will be other opportunities for you to pursue later.

A few days ago
Let’s hope English won’t be a deciding factor in you receiving the scholarship. That was hellish. Pick up a dictionary, through the summer, and do some devoted study.

A few days ago
Riven Liether
I say concentrate more on English. Just what you’ve written here is horrendous; you would immediately flunk any written exam if this is the way you write. (I’m not bashing, I’m simply being truthful.)

A few days ago
you can sometimes find books on prepping for exams, but first and foremost I would work on grammar or you dont have a snowballs chance in …..

A few days ago
manage ur tym…