A few days ago

My son is running for 7th grade class president. Does anyone have any great slogan’s and ideas he can use?

Need answers ASAP please help!!!

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago
Future Bird

Favorite Answer

If you could give us his first name, that would probably help. You usually use a knock-off of your name. If that’s not info you want to post here, no worries. Is there a certain problem or policy that he wants to get put through? You could probably tie that in.

A few days ago
I’m going to be honest and tell you that 7th graders tend to be impressionable kids, I would know since I’m an 8th grader. So part of it is going to be, unfortunately, a popularity contest. So a good thing to have is a great personality. However, 7th graders are not idiots so he should also be backing up the issues.

A few days ago
Whats his name?

When I was in 5th grade I used “Bounce for Brooke for vice president” because I wanted people to get excited that someone different (meaning I was the first “Unpopular, un-snotty, unselfish” kid to run and I tried to get my friends excited about that and stuff and try to get them to convince other people to vote for me as well) was running for student council vice president and I gave everyone rubber bouncy balls with a streamer that had my slogan on it that was stapled to it.


A few days ago
Enjoying Life
Making the World a Better Place Since (Year of Birth).

Vote (Name) for (Office Position)

vote for him…. i mean me

Four out of five doctors recommend (Name)… The fifth one’s an idiot.

Vote (Name) For President,

If You Don’t…Someone cooler than you will

If not for me…do it for the little puppy.

(Include a picture of an adorable little puppy looking sad)


A few days ago
Nap G.
Imitate a famous celebrity/politician and with his/her voice, say:

Vote me. If not, your faces will become like this.

😀 LOL!


A few days ago
what’s his name? it would be easier to come up with something using his name.