A few days ago

Massage Therapy – Schooling?

What school would you suggest for me to learn it at, if I decide to become a Massage Therapist.

Feel free to list a few to keep my options open. =]


Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Anne D

Favorite Answer

Where do you live? If they have a Carlson College of Massage Therapy, which we have, its great. Also Eastwind, Palmer (very good), check the website below, you can search by state. The ones in Iowa are very good, and cost of living isn’t too bad, either, if you are interested in moving to go to school. Great place to live, too (life long resident here, though only just over 20 years 😉 ).

A few days ago
Boulder, Colorado has excellent massage therapy programs, not to mention the specials like rolfing, thai massage, etc…